Web development

What is Web development? Types, Responsibilities and Tools of web development?

  1. it refers to the creating, building, maintaining website.in which include there are all the terms work to maintain or develop a website.web-means websites such as google is a website where we all can search for something.
  2. It is a very popular website.
  3. Development-it the full creating website such as-create content, picture, all about the company. internal interface or external texture.
Front-end development-
  1. Front-end development is the front portion of the website or app.
  2. A web developer creates a website interface, easy to use. A web developer creates attractiveness that users can easily visit and get responses from websites.they use these languages such as:HTML, CSS, JavaScript.or frameworks like React, Bootstrap, Backbone, AngularJS, and EmberJS.in the other hand checkout when someone who visit on your website then how they will response.
  3. If your website is not looking good then all features are not working well then users will create interest to visit on your website.we can do search engine optimization (seo) is the main process of the website to build new with analytics skills.
  4. CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Bulma provide predefined styles and responsive grid systems to streamline front-end development. They offer a set of CSS classes and JavaScript components to build consistent and visually appealing interfaces more easily.
Front-end developer responsibilities-
  1. Front-end developers create attractive designs.
  2. Front-end developers using these languages such as: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  3. It is full of graphics and coding combinations.
  4. Front-end developers develop interfaces on mobiles and tabs that show how it looks.
  5. Optimise user experience
  6. Create SEO practices.
Front-end development tools-
  1. Text Editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)-
    • Visual studio code
    • Sublime text
    • Atom
    • Webstorm
    • Brackets
  2. CSS Preprocessors-
    • Sass(Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
    • Less(Leaner Style Sheets)
    • Stylus
  3. Code Editors for HTML/CSS/JavaScript Playground:
    • CodePen
    • JSFiddle
    • CSSDeck
  4. Code Quality and Testing Tools:
    • ESLint (JavaScript linter)
    • Prettier (Code formatter)
    • Jest (JavaScript testing framework)
    • Cypress (End-to-end testing)
    • Selenium (Automated browser testing)
  5. Performance Optimization Tools:
    • Lighthouse
    • PageSpeed Insights
    • WebPageTest
    • GTmetrix
  1. Back-end development works on the back of website servers' logics interface and programming data and these activities a user can not see only bac-end developers can see and create logic to develop better websites.
  2. Front-end development is focused on full front website facing interaction.and back-end development is focused on website back-end works, how the website works perfectly. Back-end developers check the website how the interface seems in different screens such as, mobile apps and tabs and computers.
Back-end developer responsibilities-
  1. Back-end developers build and maintain a website properly.
  2. Back-end developers write high-quality code with amazing logic to maintain and increase website visibility and usability for customers
  3. Back-end developers manage code for website assurance to increase website pages speed.
  4. Back-end developers evaluate UI tests to increase website efficiency.
Back-end development tools-
  1. Programming Languages-
    • Python
    • JavaScript (Node.js)
    • Java
    • PHP
    • Ruby
    • C#
    • Go
  2. Databases.
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB (NoSQL)
    • SQLite
    • Oracle
    • Microsoft SQL Server
  3. Web Servers:
    • Apache HTTP Server
    • Nginx
    • Microsoft IIS
  4. API Development and Documentation:
    • Swagger
    • Postman
    • GraphQL
  5. Content Management Systems (CMS):
    • WordPress
    • Drupal
    • Joomla
Full stack development-
  1. Full-slack website development develops both front-end and back-end development.
  2. Front-end development refers to the practice of creating the user interface and user experience of a website or application.
  3. It involves implementing the visual and interactive elements that users interact with directly. 4 Front-end developers work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the client-side of web applications.
Full-stack development responsibilities-
  1. Front-end developer translating design mockups or wireframes into functional and interactive web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Front-end write clean, efficient, and maintainable code using
  3. Implement responsive web design techniques to ensure that websites or applications are optimised for various devices and screen sizes.
  4. testing, debugging, and applying browser-specific fixes or workarounds.
Full-stack development tools-
  1. Bot Frameworks and Libraries
    • Botkit:A JavaScript framework for building Slack bots.
    • Slack Bolt:A framework for building Slack apps with Node.js.
    • Botpress:An open-source bot development platform that supports Slack integration.
    • Microsoft Bot Framework:Allows building bots for multiple platforms, including Slack
  2. Testing and Debugging
    • Ngrok
    • Bot testing frameworks
  3. Error Monitoring and Logging
    • Sentry
    • Rollbar
  4. Analytics and Insights
    • Google Analytics
    • Mixpanel
  5. Deployment and Hosting:
    • Heroku
    • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Error to Array

Error to Array is a leading IT and digital marketing company based in Amritsar, India. Their team of experts offers a wide range of services, including web designing.

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